Monday, January 7, 2008

Nepal: Interim Statute was drafted by alien faces; Former Bar President
TGW Analyst

Sambhu Thapa-the ex chairman of the Nepal Bar Association has said that though he was himself a team member which drafted the Interim Statute for this country some time back, however, expresses his utter surprise as to how come the said Statute got drafted overnight without the knowledge of the entire members comprising the constitution drafting team?

Talking to a local vernacular weekly freshly, the former President of the Bar association also reveals that most of his colleagues in the said team which was told to prepare the interim constitution were of the opinion that the interim Statute could well be drafted by effecting certain changes in the 1990 constitution itself, however, that could not happen for some alien elements (unidentified faces) loitering in and around Singh Durbar and Baluatar Palace drafted the same overnight.
In an oblique manner the former Nepal Bar functionary indicates that one foreign intelligence agency did the “job” on their behalf secretly.

Analysts say that though Thapa’s grand revelation is of immense import to this country and for its people, however, the moot question is that what forced him to declare this when his revelation would have no impact or whatsoever in the minds of the lay men let alone the Nepali academia?

Question thus also arises as to why Thapa did not resign from the said drafting committee when he got inkling of such heinous acts being secretly committed by some unidentified figures?

Thapa thus can’t escape the blame.

(A detailed analysis will appear in our regular issue of the Telegraph Weekly dated January 9, 08).
2008-01-06 15:28:39

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